This performance was commissioned by ›For The Time Being‹ – an exhibition project that presented contemporary art on Snapchat. Instead of producing content for the platform itself, I decided to do a real life performance in a room, in front of people. In the past I have lost my voice speaking in front of people, so for this performance I used the Snapchat video filters to create a bunch of avatars that would support me at various points, doing things I would never dare to do in front of people, like singing or dancing. During the one hour performance I talked about a multitude of things, such as: cyberfeminism, collectivity, depression, drugs, ephemerality, getting real nervous while looking at art due to class issues, loneliness and Ulrike Meinhof. I like to imagine that – in the end – the whole performance, with all its detours and digressions, was somehow about how-to-experience-things-together. Either online or offline.
A part of the Performance text was turned into a short Essay that you can read here.
Here are some pictures sounds and videos used in the performance. If you want to see a video of the whole performance, you can write an email to me and I’ll send you a link.
The whole thing wouldn’t have been possible without: Rachel Chiodo, Sitara Chowfla, Hang Li, Esther Moerdler, Carlos Pinto, Caroline Roselló, Sam Mercer and Shama Khanna